Kashmir’s Accession to Pakistan
India and Pakistan have conflicting ties for each other since their inception but one of the major issues of tangled ties among these countries is dispute over Kashmir which has been gestated. The main seeds of rivalry among these neighbors were sown in the same year of their inception. The princely states were given a choice to either join with Pakistan or India, as a result of these options majority of Kashmir inclined on the Pakistani side. But ignoring the will of Muslim majority, Maharaja decided that Kashmir should be given under the Indian domain.
When the British agreed on the division of sub-continent, the Kashmiris promptly adopted a resolution, which was introduced by Khuwaja Ghulam-ud-Din Wani and Abdul Rahim Wani, in a meeting of All Jammu and Kashmir Muslim Conference which took place at the residence of Sardar Muhammad Ibrahim Khan in Abi Guzar area of Srinagar on 19 July 1947. During this meeting, 59 prominent members were present. This resolution was named as Kashmir’s Accession to Pakistan
This Resolution was adopted with an intention to continue the struggle to adjoin Kashmir with Pakistan. This resolution gave Kashmir a political and constitutional stance. As the resolution was adopted on 19 July so the date is named as Kashmir Accession to Pakistan Day. It would not be wrong if this resolution is considered as the representation of the Kashmiris’ ideology.
Even before the birth of Pakistan, Kashmiris adhere with the ideology of joining with Pakistan and they were on the side of Muslim league busy in propagating Pakistan movement. This will was overarchingly popular among the Muslim Kashmiris because their cultural, religious and other values were imitating the values of Pakistan.
According to a report of KMS (Kashmir Media Service), the date was October 27, 1947 when Indian forces were deployed and invade the Srinagar. Indians pushed against the wishes of Kashmiris and forcibly occupied Jammu and Kashmir violating the partition plan. This Indian aggression was responded by Pakistan military on December 31, 1947. Solid Pakistani response made India to fall back and call out United Nations and on January 01, 1949 ultimately a ceasefire became effective. It was decided by the United Nations to held plebiscite in Kashmir which means to hand over the decision to the Kashmiris to choose the side. Since the day till now, no plebiscite has been conducted in Kashmir. India is utterly aware of the fact that if plebiscite would occur, Kashmir would no longer be their domain.
Thousands of Kashmiris were martyred in continued acts of state terrorism of Indian troops, KMS’s report quoted an exact figure which was 95,830. Kashmiri youth faced custodial disappearance and women were being molested and disgraced by the Indian Army.
If we bring the contemporary times under the spotlight, this is apparent that Muslims in occupied Kashmir are still struggling to escape the Indian imperialist rule. Kashmiris are tired of being the victim of India’s evil policies that are being imposed on them.
So the 19th of July is a memorandum for Kashmiris and they celebrate the day by chalking out different social programs across the region to remind them of their objective. This day is a public holiday and Kashmiris across the globe and on both sides of Line of Control observes this day as to rejuvenate the ideology of merging Kashmir with Pakistan. The main focus, aim or objective of observing “Kashmir Accession to Pakistan Day” is to propagate the idea of annexing the entire state of Jammu Kashmir with Pakistan.
This day has importance for Pakistan as well and is being observed every year, different ceremonies, programs would be conducted to support and to show solidarity for Kashmiri brethren.
The leader of extremist party BJP, Narendra Modi, came into power in the year of 2014. The article 370 and 35 A, which talked about the Kashmiris’ rights, were abrogated by the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi. Through devising draconian tactics, amending the laws and deploying troops in the occupied Kashmir killed hundreds of innocent Kashmiris. Apparently, this was the annihilation of human rights and due to this UNO was called out by right groups.
Kashmiris had been struggling to fight and be victors to join with Pakistan but unfortunately India’s imperialist actions are dominating their endeavor. Extremist views of Indian government are oppressing the Kashmiris and are not letting them to join with Pakistan. Kashmir is the dwelt of Muslim majority and they are striving to exit the Indian rule because Kashmiris want to practice their values without any oppression.
The Indian brutalities had been furious but the Kashmiris determination to join with Pakistan is still alive within them. It shows that how much they are being tortured by the Indian government and how badly they want to escape their days of dejection.
The writer Shehryar Irshad is an Intern at YFK- International Kashmir Lobby Group, and a student of International Relation at NUML, Islamabad.
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