OIC reaffirms its full solidarity with the people of Jammu and Kashmir in the realization of their right to self-determination

Within the Indian Subcontinent, Valley of Kashmir has been dubbed as a piece of heaven on Earth. Her beauty cannot be described in words, the only justice that can be done is to witness her firsthand. However, it is equally the most militarized zone, and since August 5th, 2019, it has been dubbed as the biggest open-sky prison in the world. Due to revoking of the Article 370, which granted Indian Occupied Kashmir the special status of semi autonomy, situation of Kashmir and lives of her residents is becoming worst by passing of every day. Millions of outsiders are getting residential permits which is big conspiracy to change the demography of State of Kashmir in favor of India. Such kind of acts are not only the violations of UN resolutions on Kashmir but also a great threat to the environment and eco system of valley.

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Fascist Indian govt banned freedom of expression in Kashmir, says Mushaal

Within the Indian Subcontinent, Valley of Kashmir has been dubbed as a piece of heaven on Earth. Her beauty cannot be described in words, the only justice that can be done is to witness her firsthand. However, it is equally the most militarized zone, and since August 5th, 2019, it has been dubbed as the biggest open-sky prison in the world. Due to revoking of the Article 370, which granted Indian Occupied Kashmir the special status of semi autonomy, situation of Kashmir and lives of her residents is becoming worst by passing of every day. Millions of outsiders are getting residential permits which is big conspiracy to change the demography of State of Kashmir in favor of India. Such kind of acts are not only the violations of UN resolutions on Kashmir but also a great threat to the environment and eco system of valley.

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Alvi calls on international community to play role in resolving Kashmir issue

Within the Indian Subcontinent, Valley of Kashmir has been dubbed as a piece of heaven on Earth. Her beauty cannot be described in words, the only justice that can be done is to witness her firsthand. However, it is equally the most militarized zone, and since August 5th, 2019, it has been dubbed as the biggest open-sky prison in the world. Due to revoking of the Article 370, which granted Indian Occupied Kashmir the special status of semi autonomy, situation of Kashmir and lives of her residents is becoming worst by passing of every day. Millions of outsiders are getting residential permits which is big conspiracy to change the demography of State of Kashmir in favor of India. Such kind of acts are not only the violations of UN resolutions on Kashmir but also a great threat to the environment and eco system of valley.

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October 27 a tragic day in history of Jammu and Kashmir: Farooq Rehmani

Within the Indian Subcontinent, Valley of Kashmir has been dubbed as a piece of heaven on Earth. Her beauty cannot be described in words, the only justice that can be done is to witness her firsthand. However, it is equally the most militarized zone, and since August 5th, 2019, it has been dubbed as the biggest open-sky prison in the world. Due to revoking of the Article 370, which granted Indian Occupied Kashmir the special status of semi autonomy, situation of Kashmir and lives of her residents is becoming worst by passing of every day. Millions of outsiders are getting residential permits which is big conspiracy to change the demography of State of Kashmir in favor of India. Such kind of acts are not only the violations of UN resolutions on Kashmir but also a great threat to the environment and eco system of valley.

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Kashmir dispute: A desired role of UN

Within the Indian Subcontinent, Valley of Kashmir has been dubbed as a piece of heaven on Earth. Her beauty cannot be described in words, the only justice that can be done is to witness her firsthand. However, it is equally the most militarized zone, and since August 5th, 2019, it has been dubbed as the biggest open-sky prison in the world. Due to revoking of the Article 370, which granted Indian Occupied Kashmir the special status of semi autonomy, situation of Kashmir and lives of her residents is becoming worst by passing of every day. Millions of outsiders are getting residential permits which is big conspiracy to change the demography of State of Kashmir in favor of India. Such kind of acts are not only the violations of UN resolutions on Kashmir but also a great threat to the environment and eco system of valley.

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Kashmiris are scripting a new history of resistance and bravery: Speakers

Within the Indian Subcontinent, Valley of Kashmir has been dubbed as a piece of heaven on Earth. Her beauty cannot be described in words, the only justice that can be done is to witness her firsthand. However, it is equally the most militarized zone, and since August 5th, 2019, it has been dubbed as the biggest open-sky prison in the world. Due to revoking of the Article 370, which granted Indian Occupied Kashmir the special status of semi autonomy, situation of Kashmir and lives of her residents is becoming worst by passing of every day. Millions of outsiders are getting residential permits which is big conspiracy to change the demography of State of Kashmir in favor of India. Such kind of acts are not only the violations of UN resolutions on Kashmir but also a great threat to the environment and eco system of valley.

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UN must renew its actions to bring about the promised referendum in Kashmir: Dr. Fai

Within the Indian Subcontinent, Valley of Kashmir has been dubbed as a piece of heaven on Earth. Her beauty cannot be described in words, the only justice that can be done is to witness her firsthand. However, it is equally the most militarized zone, and since August 5th, 2019, it has been dubbed as the biggest open-sky prison in the world. Due to revoking of the Article 370, which granted Indian Occupied Kashmir the special status of semi autonomy, situation of Kashmir and lives of her residents is becoming worst by passing of every day. Millions of outsiders are getting residential permits which is big conspiracy to change the demography of State of Kashmir in favor of India. Such kind of acts are not only the violations of UN resolutions on Kashmir but also a great threat to the environment and eco system of valley.

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Chairman Senate Sadiq Sanjrani Sees Early Resolution Of Kashmir Issue

Within the Indian Subcontinent, Valley of Kashmir has been dubbed as a piece of heaven on Earth. Her beauty cannot be described in words, the only justice that can be done is to witness her firsthand. However, it is equally the most militarized zone, and since August 5th, 2019, it has been dubbed as the biggest open-sky prison in the world. Due to revoking of the Article 370, which granted Indian Occupied Kashmir the special status of semi autonomy, situation of Kashmir and lives of her residents is becoming worst by passing of every day. Millions of outsiders are getting residential permits which is big conspiracy to change the demography of State of Kashmir in favor of India. Such kind of acts are not only the violations of UN resolutions on Kashmir but also a great threat to the environment and eco system of valley.

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Kashmir dispute needs to be resolved through dialogue: Abdul Ghani Butt

Within the Indian Subcontinent, Valley of Kashmir has been dubbed as a piece of heaven on Earth. Her beauty cannot be described in words, the only justice that can be done is to witness her firsthand. However, it is equally the most militarized zone, and since August 5th, 2019, it has been dubbed as the biggest open-sky prison in the world. Due to revoking of the Article 370, which granted Indian Occupied Kashmir the special status of semi autonomy, situation of Kashmir and lives of her residents is becoming worst by passing of every day. Millions of outsiders are getting residential permits which is big conspiracy to change the demography of State of Kashmir in favor of India. Such kind of acts are not only the violations of UN resolutions on Kashmir but also a great threat to the environment and eco system of valley.

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Lebensraum in Kashmir

Within the Indian Subcontinent, Valley of Kashmir has been dubbed as a piece of heaven on Earth. Her beauty cannot be described in words, the only justice that can be done is to witness her firsthand. However, it is equally the most militarized zone, and since August 5th, 2019, it has been dubbed as the biggest open-sky prison in the world. Due to revoking of the Article 370, which granted Indian Occupied Kashmir the special status of semi autonomy, situation of Kashmir and lives of her residents is becoming worst by passing of every day. Millions of outsiders are getting residential permits which is big conspiracy to change the demography of State of Kashmir in favor of India. Such kind of acts are not only the violations of UN resolutions on Kashmir but also a great threat to the environment and eco system of valley.

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