Kashmir Conflict and Climate Change

Within the Indian Subcontinent, Valley of Kashmir has been dubbed as a piece of heaven on Earth. Her beauty cannot be described in words, the only justice that can be done is to witness her firsthand. However, it is equally the most militarized zone, and since August 5th, 2019, it has been dubbed as the biggest open-sky prison in the world. Due to revoking of the Article 370, which granted Indian Occupied Kashmir the special status of semi autonomy, situation of Kashmir and lives of her residents is becoming worst by passing of every day. Millions of outsiders are getting residential permits which is big conspiracy to change the demography of State of Kashmir in favor of India. Such kind of acts are not only the violations of UN resolutions on Kashmir but also a great threat to the environment and eco system of valley.

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27 October: A Bloody Trail of Colonialism

The invasion of Jammu & Kashmir by India on the fateful day of October 27 is the most dreadful incident of India’s colonial history that threw the region into throes of instability and perpetual violence.

Right on this day in 1947 the leaders of the so-called secular India hurriedly rushed its troops to Srinagar in the dark of night trampling down under the jackboots the Kashmiris’ fundamental political and democratic rights for which the Indians had themselves fought for years together under and against the British rule.

The shameful act, rightly censored by neutral observers as an act of aggression, not only put a stumbling block in the way of smooth and full implementation of the agenda of partition plan in the subcontinent but also laid a horrible foundation of the deadly conflict that threatens peace and stability in the South Asian region.

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USA, EU and UK fully backed Amnesty International work in India

The United States, European Union and United Kingdom have shown their deep concern over the illegal freezing of bank accounts of Amnesty International in India last month.

The US State Department, the US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), the European Union (EU) and the United Kingdom Foreign Office issued statements expressing concern over the government’s decision to freeze the Amnesty’s funds that forced the international human rights agency to close its office and suspend human rights work in India.

The European Union 9EU) had been the first which publicly expressed their reservations over the Indian actions. EU spokesperson for foreign affairs and security policy Nabila Massrali said that “Not prejudging the outcome of any investigation or judicial proceedings, the European Union highly values the work of Amnesty International worldwide and hopes that the matter will be resolved allowing Amnesty to continue its activities in India without interruption,”.

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OIC and Kashmir Issue

The Kashmir dispute between India and Pakistan has attracted attention at various multilateral forums, including the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), and has become an intrinsic feature in Pakistan’s diplomacy to muster support against India in the Islamic world. Pakistan has consistently highlighted the human rights violations by India in Kashmir at international forums which dismay India many times.

On Aug. 5, 2019, India unilaterally ended the special states of Kashmir and revoked the Article 370 and 35A. The illegal and ill-thought steps by India have created an opportunity to expose across the globe including among Islamic world.

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OIC Seeks Peaceful Resoulation of Kashmir, Stresses for Daoilouge Between India and Pakistan

Organisation of Islamic Cooperation-OIC 14th summit will be held on 31 may in Makkah. The custodian of two holy mosques, King Salman invited 57 OIC member states for the summit. According to the foreign ministry of Pakistan OIC is “a valuable platform to exchange views and deliberate on a range of political, economic and security issues of interest to Islamic countries”.

PM Imran Khan among other leaders will be delivering a key note speech at the summit, PM’s speech will focus on Solidarity and unity among Muslim nations, support for the Muslim causes including Jammu and Kashmir, countering Islamophobia and on educational and scientific excellence among Muslim nations. Foreign minister, Shah Mehmood Qureshi arrived in Jeddah on Tuesday, attended OIC council of foreign ministers meeting to draft and finalize the agenda ahead of the leaders’ summit in Makkah.

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Kashmir Continues to Slip Away from India

Burhan Wani is to Kashmir what Gandhi was to India: the catalyst that led to eventual freedom for an entire nation. Wani and Gandhi gave direction and certainty to freedom movements that long existed before them but never seemed definitive until these two men emerged. Gandhi lived to see freedom, but it was Wani, killed by Indian occupation army execution-style in an extrajudicial murder, who sealed Kashmir’s fate in death.

Make no mistake: Wani is one of those men who probably changed the course of history for his people. The protests that rocked Kashmir after his death on July 8, 2016, forced the United Nations to end its silence on Kashmir conflict, led to unprecedented international media coverage, and considerably loosened India’s grip on the strategic region.

There is so much that has changed in Kashmir– thanks to Wani. The latest example came just four days prior to New Year 2018 when New Delhi forced the half-million employees of its puppet-government in Kashmir to post pro-India content on social media to shore up Indian image in the valley. The order, issued in Srinagar, the capital of Kashmir, also warned government employees against posting anything ‘anti-national’; code for India-bashing. The social media gag was “an obnoxious, tyrannical and unacceptable insult to employees”, Junaid Azim Mattu, spokesman for National Conference, a Kashmiri political party, said in a statement.

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They beat me in school because im Kashmiri

‘They Beat Me In School Because I Am Kashmiri’

On March 2, 2014, as Pakistan defeated India in a cricket match during the Asia Cup, the usual cheering for Pakistan brought a heavy price for Kashmiri students in mainland India.
This ‘grave crime’—cheering for a foreign team playing against India—led the management to expel 66 Kashmiri students from the College of Swami Vivekanand Subharti University of Meerut, on the outskirts of New Delhi, in the state of Uttar Pradesh (UP).

UP is the most powerful state in the Indian union. It is the base of the Hindi-speaking ruling elite of India. The nation’s federal capital, New Delhi, is located within this state.

In recent years, UP has become notorious for other things, like the astronomical rise in Hindu extremist groups, and the embarrassing rise in rape cases against Indian women and foreign tourists.

Gulzar Ahmed, one of the 66 students expelled from the Meerut college, said that he and his colleagues did not do anything wrong. In fact, local Indian students attacked the Kashmiri students with stones and verbal abuse after the match. The college administration, in Gulzar’s words, instead of taking action against the attacking Indian students, took the Kashmiri students to a local bus stand and told them to leave for Kashmir.

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Punishing Kashmiris For Hoisting Third-Country Flag

Human rights activists worldwide are facing a new legal question in Kashmir: If Kashmiris raise the national flag of another country, say Pakistan, during peaceful protests, can India’s occupation administration try them under Indian national laws on sedition?
Recently we saw few incidents in Indian Occupied Kashmir where hoisting of National flag of Pakistan caused trouble to the administration & Government of India. Firstly Indian police registered an FIR against Jammu and Kashmir leader Asiya Andrabi for unfurling Pakistan flag on its national day in Srinagar and now Masrat Alam has been arrested in the case registered in police, connection with the provocative actions during the rally where Alam hoisted the National Flag of Pakistan.

If we look into the recent history of Indian Occupied Kashmir, hoisting of Pakistani flags is not new, whenever Kashmiris get a chance and whenever they have to show their love towards Pakistan and express their hatred against India, Kashmir turns Green. Hoisting of Pakistani flag has not just been seen during the political rallies in Kashmir, but Pakistani flags get hoisted on 14th of August (Independence Day of Pakistan), 23rd March (National Day of Pakistan) and during every Match Pakistan play or wins against India. Those wearing green shirts during the Cricket world cup were not any political workers, they are common Kashmiri youth. Those Kashmiri students expelled from their university and threatened with sedition charges because they cheered for the Pakistani cricket team during a televised match against India, are the new generation representing the sentiments of Kashmiri youth.

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